michelle wong

phd student at harvard university

michellewong at fas.harvard.edu


 Hello there! I'm a PhD student at Harvard University (Education: Human Development, Learning, & Teaching). In 2022, I joined the Computational Cognitive Development Lab (CoCoDev), and am advised by Dr. Elizabeth Bonawitz. 

I'm wildly interested in children's intuitive theories, how these theories lend themselves to all sorts of abstractions like metaphor or pretend play, and efficiently/independently combine to generate novel thought and goals. I was also formerly the research coordinator for and a recent graduate of the BRITElab at Duke University where I studied metaphorical lay theories

I've always loved browsing through others' cool resources and ideas, so I built this site to hopefully pass along something helpful to someone else. 

Leave a note if you'd like! michellewong@fas.harvard.edu